Beth and children arrived late Saturday evening just in time to spend Easter Sunday with her ever so happy mom. The week has been full and busy starting with the whole family worshiping together Sunday morning, picking up after the Easter Bunny and a scrumptous Easter dinner at Jon's parents house.
Monday the kids and I went ice skating in Cromwell with a detour to Kid City on the way home in Middletown. Tuesday we spent the day in Mystic at the Aquarium. Wednesday was a beautiful almost 60 degree day so off to Hurd Park for a little letterboxing and hike. Thursday the destination was Imagine Nation museum in Bristol and our grand finale today was New Haven; the Peabody and Ikea, Beth had never been to either one!
They leave early tomorrow morning, Mason and I both shall be aimless for the next few days trying to figure out what to do next.
I miss them already.