in the state of Connecticut I am a registered Republican. But I deserve the opportunity to defend myself. The only reason why, is so I can vote in the primaries.
Why the confession? Well it's closing in on Election Day and I am finding myself every day in discussion with friends and family over the candidates.
So while loathe to bring politics into my innocent little blog I am here to declare my REAL affiliation. The Libertarian Party; GO BOB BARR!
For more information on the Libertarian Party go here: the Libertarian Party perfect? Of course not, no political party is. But I do believe in and share the viewpoint of the majority of their platforms.
And now for a couple of my broad and shallow personal views on politics in general…
Smaller Government and Lower Taxes. Our government under both Democratic & Republican leadership has grown into a disgusting, bloated conglomerate of entitlement services and excessive spending.
I believe in a
market driven economy, not an over regulated one where taxpayers bail out every failed institution. The taxpayers should not reward failure, and we should not punish success.
Abortion. Personally, I believe every child is a gift from God. Even so, this is a private matter between a woman and her physician,
NOT a matter for the Federal Government to legislate
OR for the tax payers to fund.
Gay marriage is purely a personal and religious question; this is
NOT a matter for the Federal Government to legislate.
HEALTH CARE. As a moral and prosperous society, we do have an obligation to care for the indigent. However, if I choose risky behaviors, then the tax payers should
NOT have to burden the financial responsibility of my health care costs. And think about it, do you really want the government to be in charge of your health care?
Personal Choices & Freedom. Really, I don’t need a
NANNY STATE telling me how to live my life as in what to eat, drink or smoke, who or how I will educate my child, who I have to associate with or hire, seat belts, helmets, right to bear arms, blue laws, etc…
We have been turned into a nation of children looking to the Government to not only provide for but also to monitor our every move.
Happily, the Government is obliging, catering to the lowest common denominator.
The current entitlement mentality does not encourage self sufficiency but breeds dependency which is only good news for the dumb ass!
Do I have more views? Of course, but no time to write a book now, a few paragraphs will have to do.
And so I close with this appropriate and timely quote from a Founding Father;
"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." Thomas Jefferson