Sunday, March 27, 2011

Family Ties

Faith and Jill, 1st cousins...Morgan and Mason 3rd cousins. Now if you look in the left corner of pic, the dude wearing the red shirt, that's Jon, a 2nd cousin.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Battle at Narcoossee Hill

Nah, no real battle here, just Mason and his pop pop listening to and watching a presentation on fiber/fabric production during the Civil War.

This was our second year visiting Battle at Narcoossee Hill Educators Day in Chisholm Park which is held the 4th weekend every March. The biggest difference between 2010 & 2011? Was dry this year, which made playing with friends afterwards a whole lot less messy.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Birds Eye View

A few months back our church hosted a silent auction for the youth where Jon bid on and won a one hour plane ride with Fred Mahan...
Jon, Mason and Fred, The Pilot.
Mason riding shotgun.
South end of Merritt Island
Birds eye view!